Vit pour ce en quoi tu crois, meurs en te battant pour.
Nom : Robyn Mathers
Age : 17 ans
Livres : Apocalypse x3
Origine : Australienne
Robyn est le plus noble des personnages et la plus morale. Elle est inspirée par la soeur ainée de John Marsden.
Elle est vraiment pieuse et une amie proche d’Ellie. Avant la guerre, c’était une athlète redoutable sur le terrain mais cette agressivité ne s’est jamais réellement dévoilée dans d’autres situations. Robyn garde la tête froide et ne fait jamais acte de violence. Quand le groupe parle d’un plan d’attaque, elle refuse catégoriquement de tuer des soldats, ce qui soulève en elle de nombres questions et des points intéressants.
Mais Robyn est loin des stéréotypes. Elle garde une foi immense et conserve son côté humain, quelqu’un sur qui l’on peut compter. Contrairement à certains autres, elle est très compréhensive, elle peut imaginer les raisons qui ont poussé l’invasion même si elle n’approuve en rien : “Je peux comprendre pourquoi ces gens nous ont envahis. En même temps, je n’aime pas la façon dont ils se conduisent et je ne pense pas qu’ils aient beaucoup de sens moral. Cette guerre nous a été imposée, et je n’ai pas assez de cran pour devenir objecteur de conscience. J’espère seulement que nous pourrons éviter de verser le sang.” (Apocalypse – Chapitre 18)
Robyn est un des personnages les plus complexes et fascinants dans la série. Aucun mot ne peut lui rendre justice. Je crois que son sacrifice dans Le Dernier Sacrifice est un des passages les plus appréciés. Personne ne l’oubliera jamais.
Robyn is strong…
“Next to me sat Robyn, the strongest person I knew. A funny thing seemed to have happened with Robyn. The longer this terrible thing lasted, the more relaxed she became. Like all of us, she’d been devastated by what happened to Corrie and Kevin, but that hadn’t stopped Robyn getting calmer with each passing day. She smiled a lot. She smiled at me a lot, which I appreciated. Not everybody smiled at me. Robyn was so brave that in the middle of one of our toughest times, driving a truck through a bullet storm at ninety k’s, she’d kept me sane. Left to myself I think I might have pulled over to the slow lane, to let all the enemy vehicles overtake. Or stopped at a pedestrian crossing, to give way to a soldier with a machine gun. I drew a lot of courage from Robyn that night, and other times too. I just hoped I didn’t leave her leeched dry.” (The Dead of the Night, Chapter 1)
“Robyn was Robyn the Dauntless. When things were going quietly and normally she kept a low profile. But when the going got tough, Robyn grabbed the axe, swung it round her head, and charged. In the most frightening times, the most horrifying moments, she was at her best. Nothing seemed to deter her. Maybe she felt nothing could touch her. I don’t know. Even now she was walking along quite casually, head up. I had the impression that she was singing something even, by the way she was tapping her left hand on her thigh.” (The Dead of the Night, Chapter 5.)
Robyn’s faith…
“‘I guess all the time. I just can’t explain how certain things happen, like Corrie being shot. It seems sometimes that nothing can stop the man with the scythe, not even God. Death comes walking across the countryside swinging that scythe, and he might get you or he might not. Or to put it another way, sometimes God saves you and sometimes he doesn’t. I don’t know why he makes those choices; I just have to trust him and have faith that he’s doing it for his own good reasons.’” (The Dead of the Night, Chapter 4.)
Robyn on the war…
“‘Of course I mind,’ Robyn said. ‘If I was a saint maybe I wouldn’t mind, but I’m not a saint so I mind rather a lot. And its not as though they’re acting in a very religious way. I don’t know any religion that tells people to go in and steal and kill to get what they want. I can understand why they’re doing it but understanding isn’t the same as supporting. But if you’d lived your whole life in a slum, starving, unemployed, always ill, and you saw the people across the road sunbaking and eating ice cream every day, then after a while you’d convince yourself that taking their wealth and sharing it around your neighbours isn’t such a terrible thing to do. A few people would suffer, but a lot of people would be better off.’” (Tomorrow, When the War Began, Chapter 13.)
Heroes are scared…
“I never stop thinking about her. I used to think heroes were tough and brave. But that last look on Robyn’s face: it wasn’t tough or brave. It was scared and uncertain.” (The Third Day, the Frost, Epilogue.)
Robyn is a lesson…
“I learned something very important from Robyn: you have to believe in something. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. It’s not for me and it wasn’t for Robyn. But she did it, and I’m going to keep looking and keep trying till I do, too.
That’s the real trouble with our politicians: they don’t believe in anything except their own careers.
You have to believe in something. That’s all.” (The Third Day, the Frost, Epilogue.)